Jay and Silent bob
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These are the greatest pic ever of jay and silent bob

This is were i learn how to dance from jay.

This is to all the Clerks out there that puts up with mallrats like us
This guy can dance
Whoa jay with a bat danger is near.
U thought the guyz chirs kattan and will ferell could dance yeah right.
my two idols put together = insane poeple
the end of the dances
Jay flying the plane?
Good they got jay off the olane.
These are a few of my favorite photographs from my different travels. Feel free to browse them as you like. If you want one click your right mouse button and choose "Save As" from the menu.
I don't know y beavis is here?

Make Sure u see Jay and silent bob strikes back it a funny movie.
Here the other movies they are in clerks,mallrats,dogma, chasing amy, the clerks the cartoon which they are all funny in.